Different take on typical dating roles

Libby Trammell

Well, fellow students, looks like we’re back again.  Back to that special time of year when the couples who haven’t seen each other all summer reunite, when the long term couples get back into their school year patterns and when single students start scoping out their prospects. Regardless of where you fit into this, rest assured that my column will run the full gamut.

Throughout the year I will be writing a dating and sex column covering a cornucopia of topics. Everything from creative dates to all those questions that men and women always wanted to ask each other but didn’t have the guts to. We will be having adventures and tough conversations.

Going back to our start-of-the-year conversation: I cannot be the only one looking forward to meeting new people and starting that exciting get-to-know-someone stage. Everyone knows the feeling I’m talking about. Being drawn to someone new, feeling those butterflies. Running everything you’re about to say through your head before you say it in case it might be stupid.

Ah, the early stages. That part is easy. But that’s not what people lay awake at night thinking about. We think about what comes next.

Whether we should seek something more or instead be happy with what we have for fear of rejection. And often, I think, a choice of this kind falls to the men to settle. Women expect men to step up to the plate and ask the really serious questions.

This brings  me to the point of this article. After having talked to many friends about the subject, I’ve decided it should no longer be up to the men to ask out the women. Ladies, have you ever asked a man on a date? Ever even given it a try? I’m guessing not.

And it was probably because you were nervous and scared. Well, news flash, the men in your life are just as nervous to ask you. It is not an easy thing to do, putting yourself out there, totally exposed.

And so I am daring all my lady readers to give it a shot. Stop wondering why he never asked, never called, never whatever it was you wanted him to do. Try asking him yourself. Try putting yourself out there.  I guarantee it will be a good time.

Even if you get rejected, the look on his face alone will be enough to keep you chuckling. It’s usually a mixture of surprise and happiness. And remember that rejection is exactly what you make of it – it can be funny or it can be crushing.

Here is your makeshift homework assignment. At the very least I guarantee something to laugh at, and at the very most you’ll get yourself a date! Have a wonderful week, and remember to take everything with a strong sense of humor.