New council brings fresh ideas, aims to continue past endeavors

Sen. Caleb Fink and Sen. Libby Trammell participate in SA goal setting at Monday night’s meeting. The new council offered up many new ideas.

Sen. Caleb Fink and Sen. Libby Trammell participate in SA goal setting at Monday night’s meeting. The new council offered up many new ideas.

By Heidi Kronaizl News editor

With a newly sworn Students’ Association, comes new ideas and goals for the 2013-2014 school year.

During the new senators’ SA meeting April 15, several goals were discussed for the upcoming school year, many of which were goals of the previous council, or are currently being processed by the SA. 

One of the first goals mentioned was the Good Samaritan Policy. The policy, intended for minors who are under the influence, can help those whose health is in danger by taking them to a hospital or medical facility without receiving repercussions. Previously attempted to be passed by the house of representatives, but was killed in committee earlier this year.

 “It would help those particularly who live in a college town,” said Programming and Public Relations Chair Libby Trammell.

Bringing back the issue of budgets, several senators struck interest in being more conspicuous when giving budgets or changing the process.

“When clubs and organizations come here to request funding, it seems like they have to compete against the funding of the Wellness Center… we should reorganize that somehow,” said Senator Thomas Cox.

Other goals that have been recently worked on by the previous council are continuation of the Wellness Center expansion, a student transportation system on campus and increasing communication and transparency across the council.  

Rekindling a fire, the issue of smoking on campus was mentioned. Ideas of either a smoking and tobacco ban, or smoking friendly areas on campus were discussed among the senators.

Among the new ideas brought on by the new council were expanding dining options on weekends. With the dining expansion onto The Union, and complaints from residents, there is opportunity to extend hours on weekends for residents staying on campus. Another idea “piggybacked” off of expanding dining hours, was to ask businesses to not only take hobo dough, but to take flex meal plan dollars as well.

Residentially, senators discussed having more representation in campus residence halls and to target diversity issues on campus. SA also hopes to sponsor a few of their own activities and to improve or create a new SA website.