Notice needed in elections

Editorial Board

Issue:  SA elections are on March 25-26 and there has been little to no publicity about it. 


The middle of March is election season at SDSU, but this hasn’t always been the case. Elections used to be held in late February. As in last years’ election, a majority of the election cycle fell during spring break. This leaves candidates with little time to plan, and a low student-body awareness of an upcoming election.

There was little awareness given about the elections, which candidates are running, or even why they’re running. Campaign efforts appear to be minimal around campus, and this could be due to spring break or a lack of planning. The election was not well communicated and seems to be a last-minute effort. The same issue was brought up last year, and this year there seems to be even less preparation.

 A handful of people are attempting to represent SDSU’s various colleges and the student body as a whole and there is practically no knowledge of who they are or what they want to do on campus. The two presidential tickets have been meeting with student groups, but there has been no formal meet-and-greet event for the student body.

Elections need to be taken more seriously by everyone and it starts with those who are on the ballots. SA as a whole should create a timeline and requirements for those running to give students information to make an informed decision and enough time to make that decision. This is not a good way to begin a new term, and moving forward it would better serve the student body to provide more information as well as more time for these elections to progress.


 Stance: The Collegian does not endorse any SA candidate. More time and information is needed for students to make informed decisions when electing student government officials.