Cats vs. Dogs


In the unending rivalry between cat owners and dog owners, there may possibly never be a solid winner. Both pets have their benefits, but cats offer some pretty special pros in the argument of why they are better than their canine counterparts.

 First and foremost, cats are less maintenance than dogs. All pets require some degree of work, but cats have the tendency to be pretty self-sufficient and less dependent on their owners. You can leave your cat at home while you head to the cabin for the weekend and never have to worry about a thing. Dogs, on the other hand, require walks and being let out to do their business no matter the weather condition. Rain, snow, hail or blazing heat; regardless of what the weather throws at you, your dog still has gotta go. Of course, cleaning a litter box is no fun task either, but you don’t have to clean it everyday or need winter boots for it either.

 Cats definitely have the advantage in city living as well. For those of us who may end up living in small apartments in an urban environment, it can be a struggle to find accommodations for both you and your 60 pound labrador. A feline companion takes up less space, even accounting for a litter box or two. With dogs, there’s not only space issues to consider but, if your dog doesn’t like thunderstorms or is keen on serenading the pooch across the road, be ready to face some noise complaints.

 For us financially strapped students, cats are also easier on the wallet. A study by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals found that owning a cat instead of a dog could save you approximately $300 to $800 a year and probably more. This amount doesn’t even include potential costs such as puppy obedience school or boarding/dog-walking for when you’re away.

 Cats can also help clean up one’s house of unwanted pests and rodents. If you have a mouse problem, getting a cat could help you rid your house of mice in no time. Sure, some dogs will go after rodents if they see them, but it is instinct for cats to kill anything that scurries around the floor.

 In the end, the debate over whether which pet is superior comes down to the question of which pet is better for you. Each dog and cat is unique in its each individual way, appealing to every kind of person.  Whether you currently own a cat or dog, or are thinking about getting one, remember to support your local non-kill shelters or adopt a rescue animal. They need as much love and care as we can give them.

Stephanie Kapperman is a psychology major and can be reached at [email protected]


Opinion Editor

I want you to close your eyes for a minute and picture this scenario: You just had a horrible day at work. Nothing went right and your boss was chewing you out for something that was not even your fault. You are in a bad mood the entire drive home, yelling slurs and making obscene gestures at other drivers. You get home, walk up to your front door and as soon as you open it, you are attacked by your four-legged friend, who is so excited you are home that they are shaking uncontrollably. This is your dog, your biggest fan and your best friend.

I love dogs. No statement coming out of my mouth has ever been truer than that. Dogs love you, no matter what. You could be a serial killer and your dog would still greet you with endless kisses when you arrived home at the end of the day.

Dogs are better than cats in the respect that they actually want to be played with. Sure, some cats enjoy a good play time, but only for so long until you become boring. Dogs, however, will play with you for hours on end, always coming back for more. One of the hardest things to do in life is to get a dog really hyper and ready to play, and then watch them as they give you the big, sad puppy dog eyes when you have to leave.

Dogs are also better because they praise you. You give a dog food and let them outside, and they think, “They do this all for me, they must be God.” You do the same for a cat, and they think, “They do all this for me, I must be God.”

Dogs also will not tease you into thinking you are friends like cats will. Dogs will want to snuggle you, where cats want you to snuggle them. Dogs will sincerely lie on their back, wanting their belly scratched and nothing more; but if a cat does that, it will end up being a cruel trick that will give the cat the opportunity to shred your hand to pieces.

Dogs are more responsive than cats as well. If you are happy, your dog will be happy. If you are sad, you dog will be sad. Dogs will happily run over to you when you call their name and will come to you in an instant if you cry for help (some dogs anyway). Cats, however, will say, “deuces,” and be on their way. Good luck trying to get a cat to come by calling its name. It will not happen.

All in all, dogs are just filled with so much more life and adventure than cats are. They are always happy to see you, always willing to play and will always be there to make you smile (who doesn’t love a funny dog video). When you have a dog, it is only a part of your life, but to the dog, you are its whole life.

Jordan Bierbrauer is a psychology major and can be reached at [email protected]