Unapproved posters calling for cam models appear on campus

Unapproved cam modeling posters appeared on the South Dakota State campus on Wednesday, September 4. The posters call for students to add a Snapchat account.
September 4, 2019
On Wednesday, Sept. 4, posters calling for promoting “cam modeling” appeared on the South Dakota State campus.
Per the South Dakota State University posting policy, an approval stamp is required for posters to be hung. If the poster is without a stamp, the policy calls for removal.
Upon publication, posters have already begun to be taken down.
South Dakota State University Posting Policy:
- All posters, advertisements, and announcements must have a seal of approval from the Information Exchange, the Union, before they may be displayed.
- Approved and sealed posters can be displayed only on designated bulletin boards, tack strips, etc. Selected locations will be coordinated with the appropriate departments within the building. See the Facilities Managers/Departments for designated areas.
- Posters may NOT be hung on doors, windows, equipment, glass doorways, or any other non-designated area.
- All posters need to meet fire code requirements; posters cannot cover more than 5% of any wall.
- Organizations must take down fliers after the event.
- Posters, advertisements, and announcements that do not relate to a university approved organization and/or activity will not be approved for display and if displayed without the approval of the University Student Union will be removed.