Athletes treat Frost Arena as their own during powwow


Tasiyagnunpa Livermont

With the powwow several weeks behind us, the members of the SDSU Native American Club are finally getting caught up on sleep and most importantly, our homework.

Despite nasty weather and put-out athletes, the powwow went well.

As I think about it, though, I’m not sure which is worse: a blizzard or crabby jocks.

Maybe you all have heard the gripes of those who use the Health Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) center to exercise on a regular basis.

Apparently the HPER center isn’t open enough.

For the couch potatoes out there, the HPER center shuts down during basketball games, wrestling matches, and you guessed it … powwows.

During the times when Frost Arena is in use (during games, etc.), the stairs to the upper level of the HPER are roped off.

This was no different for our powwow, though during basketball games the student athletic appetite is fed.

Let me help you picture how ravenous they were during our powwow, which was held the day after Valentine’s Day.

Our fair SDSU women’s athletes complained to workers at the powwow that their figures were going down the drain due to the “show”.

Our good old athletes also bickered with our Native American Club members over the use of the weight room.

Imagine for a moment yellow and blue clad individuals trying to leap over the ropes meant to keep them from the upstairs.

All this occurred in front of club members working the gate. Had it occurred to these jocks they could have walked around to the west side of the HPER and jumped rope over there?

Without getting caught?

Repeatedly, our good old athletes called the powwow, “the show,” as if, in the words of one of our club members, we were having a production of “My Fair Lady.”

Our powwow, or wacipi, is not just a show, it’s a cultural event.

It stands for something and they make it sound like an artsy-fartsy production.

Not that theatre isn’t culture. In fact, that’s the problem.

Imagine for a moment that we didn’t have a Performing Arts Center or any other place to have a play.

If someone held a play in Frost Arena, the jocks would still be jumping ropes.

Perhaps all of this just goes back to their deep-seated resentment of anything remotely intelligent.

I guess it’s kind of like the idea that students should go to college so they can make a lot of money someday.

Heaven forbid they actually LEARN something.

Tasiyagnunpa Livermont is the Collegian’s web editor and a member of SDSU’s Native American club. She can be reached at [email protected].