Collegian deserves some credit


People have been complaining about the Collegian for as long as it has existed. Find something new to bellyache about. Until recently, the paper was solely student run. Now that they have a faculty advisor, hopefully the mistakes you moaned about will improve.

Have you ever read the Argus Leader or Brookings Register? They make mistakes as well. No one is perfect, especially you. One of the Collegian policies states they reserve the right to correct mistakes in letters to the editor before printing. Did you use Microsoft Word before sending that off? I hope your letter didn’t need correcting by the staff. If it did, you’re a giant hypocrite.

Give them a break. The students running this paper have other commitments, too. They go to class and participate in various organizations and activities. Some of them even have second jobs. They are not newspaper experts with decades of experience. Some of them are not even journalism majors. Is that wrong? No. Any student can apply for a job regardless of major.

The cake story was a school event celebrating SDSU’s 125th anniversary. If the university feels such an event is worth holding to celebrate our anniversary, the Collegian must have felt it was newsworthy. Maybe you should let President Miller know you think the event was pointless. I’m sure she would appreciate it.

Had you waited another week to submit your rant, you would have had to delete the comment on a lack of Capers information. The very same issue containing your letter included a Capers story, as well as an advertisement for it. I would think events like theatrical performances and senior recitals are printed when the timing makes sense. Why would a Collegian issue from two weeks ago print information on an upcoming play when the next one doesn’t start until Feb. 15? Take some initiative and look it up for yourself.

Have any of the mistakes deceived or confused you? I doubt it. If there were misleading mistakes, the staff would correct them in a following issue. No one is forcing you to read the paper. But apparently you have continued to do so if you keep finding errors. If you have a problem, get off your butt and do something about it. Join the staff and contribute your superior intellect in grammar, spelling, capitalization and syntax.

Karney OsierCST Graduate Student