Tips and troubleshooting in case of attending the wrong class

Lee Larson

Lee Larson

When faced with the daunting task of going to class on the first day of the semester, a viable option remains to attend the wrong one. If this happens, it’s never a good idea to suddenly realize this and leave during the middle of class. A better idea, at least in my experience, is to simply not realize that you’re going to the wrong class – and attend regularly (sort of) throughout the semester.

If you fear this shockingly common conundrum should strike you, read on, as I have outlined tips, tricks and troubleshooting in order for you to successfully handle such a misfortune.

Step 1: It’s a good idea to double-check Web Advisor right after you complete registration. Yeah, I know. Who does that after going through the torture just to sign up for classes? Well, sailor, I’m in the same boat. In my case, I was planning on signing up for Business Organization and Management. However, I actually signed up for Small Business Management. You could probably say that the best part is that later I didn’t even realize I intended to take Business Organization and Management in the first place.

So you didn’t double-check Web Advisor. Big deal. Like anybody does that anyway.

Step 2: Attend class the day after a test. For all you crafty veterans out there, you already know that the day after a test seems to be the most logical day to skip, along with many of the other days. Although I still support this theory, sometimes a professor tries to inform you that you are not on his class roster by writing notes on your corrected exams.

Step 3: Check and keep up with your grades after the semester is over. Fortunately, I did this. I am a man of action. After two short weeks of relaxation, my incomplete grade never morphed into some sort of letter.

Step 4: Call the department of the particular class. It took a lot of courage and Diet Mountain Dew Code Red, but I finally made the phone call. The receptionist told me to stop in and pick up a grade change form. So I stopped in, pleaded my case, and she confusingly gave me the form. I had to find roughly seven people and somehow convince them to sign it.

Step 5: Make sure your professor is not retired by this time. Oh yes. I tracked down the shirtless man in his backyard watering his flowers. As he was signing the petition, he explained how he had tried to let me know I wasn’t on his roster several times during the semester. I suppose he had a point. But I think I made mine.

Step 6: Before the process is finalized, don’t just pack up and head to Tennessee. It tends to extend the process well into June.

So next time you go through the motions of walking into that first class, taking your seat and awkwardly greeting your neighbor, just take a moment and consider going elsewhere … then laugh at the nay-sayers.