Game over: Network restrictions pwn on-campus gamers

Daniel Roberts

Daniel RobertsReporter

There is no time for fun and games as game time is cut in the dorms, allowing better server connection for studying.

For the last few years, attendance at SDSU has continued to grow at record numbers.

This has caused residence hall day rooms to serve as extra dorm rooms, scheduling for classes to become an art and construction projects a norm.

Since Nov. 16, students living in the residence halls have had another issue related to the growing numbers at SDSU; no video game usage in the residence halls from 7-10 p.m. on weekdays.

“They took away our prime hours to be playing Black Ops,” said Jason Norgaard, a sophomore electronics engineering technology major from Hayti. “A lot of people are extremely mad and feel discriminated against.”

Norgaard said the ban was implemented after strains to the server that were caused after the release of the games Call of Duty: Black Ops and Halo: Reach.

Students were unable to access the Internet for academic purposes like getting to D2L or research for projects.

“We have had problems with the Internet for some time, but to send out a letter one day and have it take effect the next day is ridiculous,” Norgaard said. “As students, we are passing around a petition and getting it signed by as many students as we can.”

Norgaard said that students are angry because nothing was discussed with the students and the only information they have about the ban is what was put in their mailboxes.

According to the memo distributed by Residential Life, the plan behind the ban was to allow students working on academic activities to do so during reasonable study hours. With resources being stretched thin, it was an attempt to free up space on the server that had previously been overused.

Nicole Temple, a freshman in the college of general studies said the ban was a good thing. She said that there is definitely a problem with the current Internet situation and although it was done abruptly, it was done with the best intentions for the entire university.

“There is not a single person in the dorms that can honestly say when they use the Internet it’s a good or uninterrupted connection,” Temple said. “People are unable to use wireless at all during the night.”

Temple and Norgaard said the school should change the Internet connection rather than determine who is allowed to connect to the Internet.

The Students’ Association has already begun looking into the ban and the petition is currently circulating through the dorms.

“Right now we are looking into Board of Regents and campus policy to see what we as the Student Association can do to change policy and ensure that all students receive equal rights to the Internet,” said Anthony Sutton, SA finance chair.

#1.1814437:3415258625.png:Video-game-ban-2-Aaron-Stoneberger.png:Students Devon Wenck and Taylor Vanderwerf, freshmen, play Madden ?11 for the xbox 360 in a Hansen Hall dorm room. Both Wenck and Vanderwerf disapprove of the ban.:Collegian Photo by Aaron Stoneberger