First annual SDSU Student Ag-Day


National Ag Day is March 15. Ag Day is intended to build awareness for the agricultural industry and gain appreciation for the role of agriculture in everyday lives.

To celebrate National Ag Day, the SDSU Ag-Bio Prexy Council is organizing a one-day event to reach out and educate consumers about the importance of agriculture.

A number of events will be taking place around the SDSU campus on March 15. Throughout the day, several clubs at the university will have booths set up to raise awareness and spread the truth about agriculture.

That evening, a free meal will be served in the SDSU Animal Science arena from 5 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. or until food is gone. Following the meal, Food Chain Communications founder Kevin Murphy will discuss the issues that face agriculture today in his speech entitled “The Food Morality Movement.” Murphy will share information about the “Truth in Food” as well as how people in the ag industry should address animal activists and their agendas.

This event is open to all students and surrounding communities.