A new beginning

By KATIE GEBAUER Managing Editor

This is it. 

This is the beginning of the end. And the end of something that was once new. 

This is the beginning of the rest of my life. And the end of a time I will always remember. 

This is the beginning of a new chapter. And the end of my time at South Dakota State University.

This is it. 

This is the last issue of The Collegian where my name will be on the masthead (the box on the bottom of A9 with the staff of this newspaper) and written in a byline as a paid staff member. This is the last time I will be able to design a page, write the editorial and edit the entire newspaper before sending it to press. 

This is it. 

It’s been three years and 72 issues of The Collegian.

As sad as many think I am or will be, I’m not. It has been a significant amount of time and I’ve made a significant amount of memories. I’m not sad because for the last three years, I’ve spent nearly 30 hours a week in this office. 

I’ve made life-long friendships with people who will continue to impact my life. I’ve worked tirelessly to make this the best college newspaper it can be. I’ve devoted hundreds of hours to hundreds of broadsheet newsprint. So, needless to say, this paper has meant more to me than anything else I have ever done. 

I’ve grown in the ranks, starting as page designer and now leaving here as managing editor. In the last two years, I completed a full redesign of the print paper as well as the website.

I’ve been honored, humbled and gracious to receive numerous awards, including the distinguished national Pacemaker award for Design of the Year.

I’ve seen at least two entirely different staffs since the first day I stepped into the office. 

But this isn’t about me. It’s about The Collegian and my successors. I believe with my whole heart next semester’s staff, those stepping into my prior roles as well as the staff as a whole, are more than capable of succeeding and prospering as a team.

The Collegian does many things aside from producing a print paper each week. It provides students with opportunities they will not have anywhere else. It gives students a place to feel safe and welcome, a location to do homework and a range of academic and professional resources.

It has been my home away from home and family away from family.

That is one of the opportunities working here has given me. It’s the ability to believe that whether I am on staff or not, this will still be one of the greatest places to work, build relationships, grow as a person and develop lifelong skills. 

Each person on staff is given endless opportunities to grow and become the journalist, designer, writer, copy editor, photographer, leader and team-player they want to become. 

I can’t imagine spending my time anywhere else throughout the last three years, but this is it, and I’m OK with this being the last. 

Stepping away from people, organizations, athletics, clubs and college overall is an overwhelming time that hundreds of graduating seniors are experiencing. But if you’re stepping away from these things, line someone up to take your spot. If you believe in them and their abilities, walking away into something unknown isn’t as difficult as it may seem. 

That’s what I did and I am ready for the next step in my life. 

Thanks for the memories, Collegian. 

This is it.

Katie Gebauer is Managing Editor at The Collegian and can be reached at [email protected]