Platform profiles of student senate candidates


J. Michael Bertsch, Managing Editor (He/Him)

Students are now electing a new body to serve on the Students’ Association Senate for the 2021-2022 school year, including a new presidential ticket and senators to represent the specific colleges.

The Students’ Association election will run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 23 and 24. Votes can be cast in person on The Market stage in the University Student Union, or online at

Students who vote will be allowed to vote for the presidential ticket of their choice and a given number of senators for the student’s college.

During the week of March 15-19, SA hosted candidate debates for the contested elections, including the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Science (CAFES), the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) and the presidential and vice-presidential tickets.

Based on candidate answers during these debates, here are the goals of the candidates for the contested college elections:

CAFES candidates:

Cara Teigum: Efficiency in the Title IX office to make sure investigations are timely and effective.

Shelby Ruland: Work on the finance committee, campus diversity and leadership skills for CAFES students.

AnnaMarie Sachs: More recognition to our agriculture students, food options for people with dietary restrictions and more supplemental instruction for courses.

Blake Pulse: Healthy dining on campus, General Activity Fee (GAF) funding for agriculture clubs like Little International and Senate transparency.

Lindsay Muller: Sustainability on campus, diversity and improved healthy dining options on campus.

AHSS candidates:

Anna Shane: Financial transparency with GAF dollars, help student organizations and local and sustainable food options.

Andrea Berends: Improve communication and transparency between students and senators, student diversity training and highlight student accomplishments.

Hannah Owens: Support student diversity with diversity chair on the SA executive board, communication between senators and students and financial transparency with GAF dollars.

Hannah Nelson: Diverse dining options for those with dietary restrictions, improve mental healthcare and increase number of councilors on campus.

Jonathan Sundet: Fighting for students’ first amendment rights and safely reopen campus.

Rachel Goldsmith: Removing stigma behind use of Title IX and Disability offices, local food options and more art on campus.

Holly Tofte: Increase campus facility hours and financial transparency with GAF dollars.

Michael Garofalo: Revamp campus infrastructure including roads near campus, improved freshman orientation and physical and mental healthcare.

For more information on the presidential tickets, see the Students’ Association presidential and vice-presidential candidates campaign plans on A6.

The following students are running for an uncontested seat on the SA Senate for their respective colleges:

College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professionals:

Morgan Eick, Kyle Shapcott

College of Nursing:

Adam Ziebarth, Brielle Cords

Graduate School:

Amanda Husted, Sumit Kumar Ghosh

Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering:

Kordell Feldhaus, Asledi Castillo Zuñiga, Caleb Huizenga

College of Natural Sciences:

Hunter Eide, Harley Fischer