Club Needs Poets for Poetry Jam

Colleen Stein

Colleen Stein

The English Club invites everyone to attend SDSU’s first open mic Poetry Jam night.

This Thursday, from 8:30 to 10 p.m., students of all majors are encouraged to stop by Jack’s Place in the basement of the Student Union to listen and recite poetry.

Participants have the option to read a favorite poem by an established writer or can use the stage to share with the crowd a personally written work of poetry.

Each reader will be allowed a maximum of 10 minutes onstage.

After the poems are presented, listeners will vote on the best originally written poem and the winner shall receive the honor of seeing their poem published in the Collegian for all to see.

Musical accompaniments are allowed so Thursday is a perfect time to bust out those bongo drums! Students, start digging through your bookshelf to locate that favorite Poe or Dickinson poem or grab a piece of scratch paper and jot out something in free verse or iambic pentameter because the English Club hopes to see you on Thursday.