Wacipi needed more coverage


As a senior in the journalism department, I have watched with much dismay the seemingly endless errors in spelling, grammar, and content, as well as flat-out poor reporting of major school events that plagued this publication this semester. I have let it pass primarily because I don’t have the time to do the job myself. I am a full-time student, working on my internship, and am married with three children.

That said, I have reached the limit of my silence due to the pathetic coverage given to the Wacipi that showed not only a lack of understanding of the event, but bordered on condescension to the people involved. The article also gave no mention of the fact that this was a two-day event held in conjunction with the 14th Annual American Indian History and Culture Conference. The change in the usual scheduling allowed for greater participation in both events for those who had to travel to attend.

I point this out because both of these events are annual occurrences, and two of the three major cultural events held on campus. These events draw people from around the nation and give students the chance to interact on a personal level with lecturers, authors, and general people of other cultures. It is a big deal.

Somehow, through negligence, disinterest, or simple apathy on the part of this publication, the events of last week rated a whole 5 paragraphs and 2 pictures which did nothing to visually explain what was meant by, “The Frost Arena’s floor was filled with tradition, bright colors, and generations.” Not to mention the fact that there is not even one quote from anyone, spectator, participant, anyone.

Perhaps it is just me, but when I write an article, I want the information presented to be accurate, free of bias, and complete, all things learned in the required class Basic News-Writing. I have learned the value of spell- and grammar-check on my system, and I use them often to avoid obvious errors. I would hope the Collegian staff could learn to do the same thing.

Why? You present the public face of the students of SDSU, and in large part the face of the journalism department. You have an ethical responsibility to get it right, if you can’t, perhaps journalism is not the field you should be pursuing.

Tonia GoertzSenior Editorial Journalism