Research Park: Win-win

Editoral Board

Editoral Board

Monday, Sept. 19, marked the biggest event in SDSU history. Bigger than the Division I move. Bigger than President Peggy Miller’s inauguration. Bigger than the riot of 1992.

It was the groundbreaking for the Innovation Campus at SDSU. The 125-acre park will be a 20-year process that could take up to $200 million. The Innovation Campus is great because it is a win-win situation for everyone but the worms in the dirt where the park will be built.

The campus will allow SDSU to increase its already strong research programs by creating opportunities to expand the research into the business world.

It will benefit SDSU because research efforts will skyrocket and allow more opportunities for scholarships. And new scholarship means even more research that can create new business possibilities.

The campus will benefit the city because new businesses or a new industry could come out of the park. The park will also create more jobs and will encourage more students to stay in Brookings, or the area, after graduation.

Some students may not care about a bunch of buildings, but they should. It’s their future. Thousand of jobs could come out of the center, and it will put SDSU on new maps in different ways.

The park may take years and millions of dollars to complete, but it’s worth it. It will offer students and the university opportunities that wouldn’t be possible elsewhere.

SDSU should be proud that it has the opportunity to host such a park, because nothing but good can come from the center.