SA supports mental health awareness, inclusivity


MAKENZIE HUBER Managing Editor

Students’ Association senators approved a reallocation of $20,000 to the Wellness Center at its Monday meeting. The money will go toward hiring a temporary counselor to address student mental health needs at South Dakota State.

The reallocation could serve another 35 students each week, said President Ally Helms  during the discussion over the allocation. This move is in response to an increased need from students, as well as influence from this year’s Common Read program focusing on mental health.

“This is a small step, but it’s in the right direction,” said Sen. Robert McLean.

Earlier in the meeting, SA passed Resolution 16-05-R: SDSU Students’ Association support for inclusivity efforts by SDSU Residential Life.

The resolution supported inclusivity efforts for “underrepresented groups,” including gender identity and sexual identity. 16-05-R was in response to a resolution in support of gender-neutral bathrooms being installed in a residence hall.

Michaela Willis, SA adviser and vice president of Student Affairs, updated senators about efforts to have at least one public, gender-inclusive bathroom in each academic building during the discussion. She hopes to complete a map that lists where each of these bathrooms are on campus.

SA also approved a $745 special allocation to the Consumer Affairs Club.

During the open forum portion of the meeting, SA was addressed by a student who wanted to start a discussion about bussing opportunities between campus and other cities and states.

The next SA meeting will be Monday, Nov. 7 at 7 p.m. in the Lewis and Clark room of The Union.