Senior artists display works in art exhibitions

A visitor looks at a painting done by senior graphic design major Katie Lee, made with embroidery floss and paint, during her senior exhibition, “White Space.”

By LAURA BUTTERBRODT Lifestyles Editor

The South Dakota State University School of Design senior review class is presenting Senior Exhibitions now through April 7 in the Ritz Gallery located in Grove Hall.

The first exhibition, “White Space,” featured art from Julia Bodnaruk, Taylor Lohan, John Hanusa and Katie Lee and ran Feb. 21 through Feb. 24.

“I’m excited because I’ve been able to include works outside of just design, including painting and drawing,” Lee said before her show.

The exhibit currently in the Ritz Gallery is a collaboration between Hanna Peterson, Katie Gebauer, Luke Bryant and Liza McCann. “Collective” features graphic design from Peterson, Gebauer and McCann with ceramic work from Bryant.

“… [A]s far as inspiration goes, I approach my work as a sort of an experiment, because there are many variables and often unknown results,” Bryant said.

Peterson said she aims to create purposeful and functional art with a playful aesthetic by using color, forms, history and typography.

The reception for “Collective” will be 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. March 2 in the Ritz Gallery. The exhibition runs until March 3. The Ritz Gallery is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.

The senior review class, ART 400, is required for students graduating with a graphic design or visual arts major.

 “Our class is a pretty tight-knit group and they’ve become like a family-away-from-home sort of thing,” Lee said.

The senior shows will feature graphic design projects such as brand identity, package design and poster design. Other variations between the shows could also include photography, animation, motion graphics, illustration and studio art works.