I, Too, Am SDState movement opens doors to inclusive future

Editorial Board


 Issue: I, Too, Am SDState recently released photos of microaggressions experienced by students on campus. 

If you’ve walked through the east entrance of The Union, you most likely saw the stands holding up the photos of fellow SDSU students holding a whiteboard with some writing on it. 

These writings are microaggressions they’ve heard while trying to further their education at SDSU. Phrases written on the boards may or may not have been said in earnest, regardless of whether or not they affect those who heard them. 

The Collegian supports this movement as it picks up speed to spread awareness around campus. The actions of those involved to create this movement are inspiring. Having these types of conversations cannot be easy, they are however, extremely necessary as SDSU expands and becomes a more welcoming and safe space for its students. 

SDSU needs movements like this. There is a need to shape the global awareness of our student body for the greater good of our society. In a perfect world, acceptance, understanding and love for all types of people is something that is just automatic, a default setting if you will.

However we’re not in a perfect world.

This movement has experienced negative feedback while promoting their cause. The negative dialogue expressed to those leading the movement unfortunately represents the ignorance that is present in all places, universities such as SDSU or otherwise. This movement brings to the surface all of the issues that many students and people in general are afraid to admit out loud. While it is disappointing that people are negative about such a positive movement, the I, Too, Am SDState movement sets the ball rolling in the right direction.

We should applaud and be proud to have a student body that wants to try and educate the majority about things said that can be hurtful because it’s the right thing to do. We have an obligation, not just as SDSU students, but an educated public to be aware of the world as we start to step into it. We should get engaged with movements like this to show a level of mutual support for our fellow students. 

Most universities strive to be diverse places. SDSU is trying, just like most universities, to create an inclusive safe environment and a movement like this does exactly that. It also shows that this is an area of concern that brings light to issues that should have had response long ago. Hopefully the top leadership at SDSU will see the need for movements like this and help carry the students’ voices toward an accepting campus community. 

Stance: The Collegian supports the I, Too, Am SDState movement which allows students’ voices to be heard and pushes toward a safer, more inclusive environment.