Meet the 2019 SA College candidates

Brianna Schreurs, Editor-in-Chief

Students’ Association elections are kicking into gear. Voting takes place on March 19 and 20. Polling stations are in The Student Union, Wellness Center, Animal Science Complex and Crothers Engineering Hall. Voting is also online from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at

Debates are going to be streamed live on the Collegian’s Facebook Page or happening live on the Market Stage in the Student Union. The Presidential-VP debate is 12 p.m. Wednesday, March 13, the College of Engineering is 2 p.m. Thursday, March 14 and the College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences is 12 p.m. Friday, March 15.

There are four Senate seats available for the colleges of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences and Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Sciences. There are three seats open for the colleges of Education and Human Sciences, Engineering, Natural Sciences, Nursing and Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions and the Graduate School. There will be eight at-large spots are after elections open, according to SA Vice President Spencer Harwood.

Below are the candidates running for the seven colleges. The Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions has no candidates this year.

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Sciences

Seats available: 4

Jesse Carlson

Name: Jesse Carlson

Major: Economics

Carlson has been a senator for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences for two semesters. He wants to continue to represent his college and peers with his “strong leadership and communication skills.”

His main goals include improving tailgating and making “SDSU a better place for everyone.”






Sarah Cook

Name: Sarah Cook

Major: Economics

Cook feels passionate about making SDSU the “best campus it can be for students.” She wants to improve the campus community through her determination, dependability and organization.

“You can count on me to keep my word and to follow through on my plans and actions,” she said.

Her main goals include increasing transparency between the Senate and constituents, provide more information to students regarding activities for students through clubs and organizations and better the snow removal procedures on campus.  



Sydney Swenson

Name: Sydney Swenson

Major: Global Studies, Political Science and Spanish

After one term as an at-large senator, Swenson is excited to continue “to channel this passion into another year of serving as a senator on the Students’ Association.” Swenson feels she’s a strong communicator that’s honest, trustworthy and responsible. She said she’s always searching for different ways to hear student opinion or concerns and “can be trusted to keep their best interests at heart.”

Her main goals include making improvements for minority groups on campus through serving on the Student Diversity and Inclusion Committee, make Senate well-known to students on campus and increase safety and accessibility of students on SDSU’s campus.




Hattie Seten

Name: Hattie Seten

Major: Political Science, Global Studies and Spanish

Seten has served for two semesters on Senate and is “dedicated to staying informed about the multiple facets” of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and “is motivated to be an advocate for (her) peers.” Through her involvement on campus with Residental Life and clubs and organizations, Seten says this makes her a strong representative. She is also multilingual and is comfortable communicating with students in Spanish, English or Arabic.

Seten’s main goals are increasing the availability of AED’s at SDSU, advocating for the creation of an off-campus university bus route and ensure diversity is welcomed, encouraged and celebrated on campus.



Seats available: 3

Sameer Keshavan

Name: Sameer Keshavan

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Keshavan is running for re-election after serving for one term. He wishes to make a positive difference for all Jackrabbits but especially ones who are not as well-represented after “gaining proficient knowledge about SDSU services and how campus operates.”

Keshavan said he is qualified for this position as he has strong relationships with Greek Life, international students, graduate students, Residence Hall directors and Diversity Council members. Also, he feels he is a rational thinker and looks at both sides of a situation “to reach a sustainable solution.”

His main goals include collaborating with administration to implement the transportation trial run in fall 2020, engage graduate students on university policy and bring awareness to graduate student needs and concerns.


Amber Alvey


Name: Amber Alvey

Major: Communication Studies

In Alvey’s two years as a senator-at-large, she’s grown more passionate about improving SDSU and advocating for students. She feels she’s a strong and effective communicator with a strong work ethic and is able to follow through on promises.

Alvey’s goals include assisting in creating training on meeting procedures and information for Senate, working toward video-streaming meetings and informing students about GAF through handouts, flyers, online and resources.




Nick Lorang

Name: Nick Lorang

Major: Communication Studies

Lorang has been apart of Senate for five years and has demonstrated dedication, strong work ethic, attention to detail and social awareness.

“I have years of experience writing legislation and SA policy, reviewing GAF-funded student organization budget, building relationships with university changemakers and I have a history of working collaboratively with other to achieve our shared goals,” Lorang said.

His main goals are to enhance opportunities for collaboration among graduate students, continue appropriately allocating student fee funds, work to streamline SA bylaws and serve as a resource for other senators.




Seats available: 3

Joel Kocer

Name: Joel Kocer

Major: Electrical Engineering

Kocer wants to represent the College of Engineering “as best as possible” through his ability to be open-minded and able to step up to challenges. He’s gained leadership and teamwork experience through the SDSU Robotics Club, The Pride and intramural sports.

“I have a good feel for what is going on in all areas of the university,” he said. “This knowledge will assist in decision making as I have a feel for the general needs of the school.”

Kocer wants to represent his college, restrict student fees from increasing too much and ensure clubs within the College of Engineering have SA’s full support.




Megan Fiala


Name: Megan Fiala

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Fiala wants to contribute to the decision being made about campus and to create a tangible difference. She feels she is respectful and communicative, which will help her serve the student body.

Her main goals are representing her constituents well, helping organizations get funding and increasing students’ quality of life.





Brandon Frizzell


Name: Brandon Frizzell

Major: Mathematics

Frizzell says he has a good understanding of what the student body wants and feels he could serve SDSU well.

“I am opposed to the current SA and I would bring a strong conservative voice,” he said.

His goals include bringing a conservative approach to all issues, opposing policies against free speech and religion and working toward getting campus carry policies.




Kelby Escobin


Name: Kelby Escobin

Major: Electrical Engineering

Escobin feels he would be a strong representative because he’s reliable, a hard-worker and trusting.

“If there is a job that needs to be done, I will get that job done in the best of quality I can do,” he said.

Escobin’s goals include becoming a better communicator and making a difference on campus.




Seats available: 3

Name: Rory Forest

College: Nursing

Major: Nursing

Forest looks forward to bring new ideas to SA and pushing to make changes to better campus today and in the future. He considers himself friendly and social and good at being open-minded and learning.

His main goals include decreasing campus waste through sustainability initiatives, educating students on the General Activity Fee and cutting down student fees.

Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences

Seats available: 4

Anthony Shimon

Name: Anthony Shimon

College: CAFES

Major: Agricultural Business and Agricultural Science 

Shimon wants to help make change happen on campus in an impactful way. Because of his involvement with student organizations and within his college, he feels comfortable reaching out to CAFES students and listening to them.

“I am very empathetic and feel I understand the needs and wants that students in my college have,” Shimon said.

Shimon’s goals include improving counseling services to promote better mental health on campus, creating sustainable fresh produce options for Jacks Cupboard with the use of CAFES facilities and greenhouses and informing students about what SA is while pushing for improved transparency.


Jennifer Tonak

Name: Jennifer Tonak

Major: Agricultural Communications

Tonak has served one term as an at-large senator. Tonak feels qualified to advocate for CAFES students because of her involvement with different clubs and organizations. She loves that she’s able to make a difference in students’ lives within the senator role.

“I have had the opportunity to meet some incredible individuals while communicating with students about their opinions and thoughts on certain bills and areas they would like to see improved around campus,” Tonak said.

Tonak’s main goals include exploring adding more CAFES minors to the academic catalog, like dairy production, investigating expanding the options of where students can use flex dollars and improving tailgating.


Megan Kellen


Name: Megan Kellen

Major: Animal Science

Kellen has served as a CAFES senator for one term. She’s “enjoyed serving students” and hopes to do it again. Kellen believes she’s an effective communicator and is passionate about agriculture and serving others.

Kellen’s goals include working toward healthier options in vending machines on campus, increasing transparency between students and SA and educating student organizations about resources available to them through SA.




Mary Dybedahl


Name: Mary Dybedahl

Major: Agricultural Education

For the past year, Dybedahl has been a senator-at-large and it’s been “one of the most rewarding experiences.” Time management, positivity and futuristic thinking are strengths Dybedahl says she’ll bring to the table.

“I want to be honest with the team,” she said. I was to create an open environment within a team.”

Her goals are implementing at least two 20-minute parking spaces within every parking lot, creating a composting system on campus and extending Union food hours to 9 p.m.



Reis Bruley


Name: Reis Bruley

Major: Animal Science

Bruley wants to assist in making all experiences at SDSU enjoyable, rewarding and memorable. He’s passionate about CAFES and dedicated to listening to students.

“I will make it a priority to ensure that I am representing all students of SDSU with a strong voice and positive influence,” he said.

Bruley’s goals are improving on-campus snow removable procedures, putting a public printer in Hansen’s C-Store and ensuring CAFES clubs know about SA funding.




Josh Longtin

Name: Josh Longtin

Major: Agricultural Business

Longtin has completed one term as a senator at-large and wants “to continue to help effect real change on campus.” Longtin feels he’s intelligent, hardworking and an excellent communicator.

“I would be honored to put my skill set and critical thinking to use representing the College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences,” he said.

His main goals include ensuring the successful startup and operation fo the off-campus bus route, increasing transparency between SA and students, especially in regards to finances and budgeting and raising awareness of mental health on campus.



Education and Human Sciences

Seats available: 3

Hannah Smith

Name: Hannah Smith

Major: Elementary Education and Spanish

Smith has been advocating for EHS students and the SDSU student body for a year. She wants to continue to SA’s precedent of creating a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment with “a team of motivated, innovative students.”

“I am genuinely interested in the needs and concerns of my fellow peers,” Smith said. “I am prepared to identify problems and develop the necessary strategies to ensure that each student voice is heard.”

Smith’s main goals are supporting mental health initiatives, helping implement sustainability efforts on campus and advocating for diversity efforts through serving on the Diversity and Inclusion Committee.



Natural Sciences

Seats available: 3

Cole McDougall



Name: Cole McDougall

Major: Human Biology (Pre-optometry)

McDougall has served on Senate since April 2017 and is currently the government affairs chair.

“I have worked on getting student voices heard through different levels of government and I hope to do it again,” he said.

McDougall’s goals are implementing an on-campus polling station, increasing transparency between SA executive team members, the administration, the Senate and students and increasing student accessibility to SA through live streams and media strategies.



Briar Peterson



Name: Briar Peterson

Major: Human Biology

Peterson wants to get involved on campus and make an impact. He feels he’s good at communicating, organizing, working hard and leadership.

“I am excited to bring my skill set to SA and make an impact to better student life,” he said.

Peterson’s main goals are communicating with students, learning more about the General Activity Fee and working on committees.