United Church of Christ hosts Brookings Community Open Microphone Series
February 13, 2006
Christina Hoeck
If you are a musician, singer or performer of any kind, you are invited to join others Friday, Feb. 17, at the United Church of Christ for the Brookings Community Open Microphone Series (BCOMS).
The United Church of Christ is hosting this event with hopes of bringing aspiring talent together to raise money for Harvest Table, a local food program that helps people in need.
The BCOMS is a new effort in the community. Future plans are to hold three of these events each year.
The inaugural event was held last October.
This Friday’s event will be this year’s second, with the third scheduled for June.
Performers interested in participating can sign up Friday at 7:15 p.m. at the United Church of Christ. No professional experience is expected.
If you are interested in being a spectator, the show will start at 8 p.m. with musician Rosie Baker kicking off the night’s events.
Food and refreshments, provided by Bagel Works, will be for sale.
BCOMS is open to anyone with an appreciation for the arts. The cost is a $3 donation at the door.