Introducing the 2009 Collegian staff members
September 2, 2009
Amy PoppingaEditor-in-ChiefMy parents call me Ames or Ramy.My friends call me Pops, Poppin’ Fresh, Amy Pops, A-Pop, Popsicle, Big Poppi. I crack the whip and pretend to be important at The Collegian as the Editor-in-Chief.When I grow up, I want to be a journalist.I am a senior who likes to sleep and eat.My guilty pleasure is dancing to “Dirty Little Secret” while washing dishes.
Ruth BrownManaging EditorMy parents call me Ruthie.My friends call me Ruthie as well. I come up with story ideas, manage staff and write stories at The Collegian as the Managing Editor.When I grow up, I want to be a kick-butt investigative journalist.I am a senior who likes to dance along to music alone in my room.My guilty pleasure is the song “Bust a Move”.
Vanessa MarcanoNews EditorMy parents call me Vanessa Carolina.My friends call me Vanessa, most of the time. I edit texts, help out reporters and write at The Collegian as a News Editor.When I grow up, I want to be a diplomat in the Middle East.I am a junior who likes to debate politics and carry out fashion experiments every day.My guilty pleasure is glitter eye shadow.
Chris ManganSports EditorMy parents call me Charlie Brown.My friends call me Mango. I write sports at The Collegian as the Sports Editor.When I grow up, I want to be a beat reporter for a baseball team.I am a senior who likes to golfMy guilty pleasure is the show “Greek”.
Zach AndersonAssistant Sports EditorMy parents call me Spud.My friends call me Zach. I write sports at The Collegian as the Assistant Sports Editor.When I grow up, I want to be a college football beat writer.I am a senior who likes to watch sports and play Xbox.My guilty pleasure is singing to my cat.
Andrew LaFranceJuice EditorMy parents call me Andrew.My friends call me lame, but I try hard to be hip and happening. Once in a while, I succeed.I sometimes work, but mostly drink coffee at The Collegian as the Juice Editor.When I grow up, I will be a baby like Benjamin Button.My guilty pleasure is a vat of coffee. Or swimming with manatees in the Baltic Sea.
Jamie AndersonVisual EditorMy parents call me Jamie or random nicknames.My friends call me J.La, Jame or Jamers. I learn many new tasks at The Collegian as an editor and designer.When I grow up, I want to be a book editor or work for a newspaper.I am a senior who likes to use Facebook and play sports.My guilty pleasure is “The Hills” on MTV.
Joni BlairVisual EditorMy parents call me Joni.My friends call me Jo or Blair. I design at The Collegian as a visual editor.When I grow up, I want to be at a job where I am helping people.I am a junior who likes to procrastinate.My guilty pleasure is shopping.
Sadichya AmatyaVisual EditorMy parents call me Sadichya.My friends call me Sadichya. I am working at The Collegian as a visual editor.When I grow up, I want to be a successful person.I am a graduate student who likes to have fun all the time.My guilty pleasure is sleeping.
Ethan SwansonPhoto CzarMy parents call me Head Dishwasher.My friends call me Swansonian. I slave away at The Collegian as the Photo Czar.When I grow up, I want to be an educator.I am a non-traditional student who likes to play soccer.My guilty pleasure is HBO’s “True Blood”.
Brandon Van WestenWeb EditorMy parents call me Big B.My friends call me Big B. I dominate at The Collegian as the Web Editor.When I grow up, I want to be a newspaper designer.I am a super-senior who likes to have a good time.My guilty pleasure is domestic light beer.
Liz BosProof EditorMy parents call me Elizabeth.My friends call me Liz. I plot to take over The Collegian when not carrying out my duties as the proof editor.When I grow up, I want to be a copy editor.I am a super-super-senior who likes to play World of Warcraft and/or ride horses.My guilty pleasures are listening to seizure-inducing music on my iPod and watching “Adult Swim”.
Tamara ParliamentAdvertising ManagerMy parents call me Tamara.My friends call me Tammy. I rule my domain at The Collegian as the Ad Manager.When I grow up, I hope I have figured out what I am going to be.I am an ex-ballerina who likes to ride motorcycles.My guilty pleasure is receiving massages.
Susan SmithAdvisorMy parents call me SJ or “Would you put that book away and go outside?”My friends call me Suz, Skip or The Doctor. I advise The Collegian on newspaper business.When I grow up, I want to be The Collegian Adviser.I am a graduate student who likes the knitting. My guilty pleasure is “Gossip Girl”.