Tips for spring break


Pop culture makes out spring break as one big party, in which everyone is having the time of their life. The reality of it all, is not as pretty. Stolen credit cards, alcohol poisoning, and sexual assault are just a few of the unfortunate consequences of an unplanned spring break. If you take the time to follow these tips you can avoid most spring break fiascos:

Take a map. You can’t always rely on your phone for navigation. Service can be poor in some places or your battery life may run out. A map provides a safe back-up plan.

Grab the card from the front desk of the hotel you are staying at with the name of the hotel, phone number and address. If you need help getting back to your hotel, this information can be a lifesaver.

If you are vacationing somewhere with a beach, always remember that you can’t always tell how deep the water is. Scope it out before attempting a dive or cannonball. 

Take at least two credit or debit cards with you. Keep one card on you and the other in the hotel safe. Make photocopies of each card, front and back, so if your card is lost or stolen, cancelling the card will be that much easier.

Before heading out, decide where you want to set your personal boundaries regarding intimacy. Hooking up is a common theme among spring breaks, but that doesn’t mean you have to. Set your boundaries ahead of time and reinforce them throughout the break.