SA BRIEF: E-Cigarette, tobacco bans fail at SA meeting



Students’ Association’s Feb. 6 meeting carried out a diverse agenda, with a short word from President Dunn, a financial presentation, club constitution approvals, and E-Cigarette and tobacco ban discussions.

After passing a resolution last week in support of a smoke-free policy, SA debated an all-tobacco ban and an E-Cigarette ban. Both bans failed, the tobacco ban failing in a 10-17 vote and the E-Cig ban by a closer margin of 13-15.

Dunn kicked off the meeting with an introduction to “The Wokini Initiative: A Strategic Investment to Better Serve the Dakota and Lakota Residents of South Dakota.” This initiative would offer programming and support to citizens of the nine tribal nations in South Dakota interested in gaining access to educational and advancement opportunities at SDSU.

Vice President for Finance and Business Wes Tschetter, presented on the changes that will be made to the bond and utility fee as part of the General Activity Fee strategic plan. The Bond and Utility fee would be assessed on a per-credit-hour basis, as opposed to being part of meal plan fees. This would spread the cost of the Union’s food services and facilities to all on-campus students, as opposed to solely freshmen and sophomore meal plans.

Several club constitutions were approved at the meeting including South Dakota State Muslim Cultural Students’ Association (MCSA), SDSU Change Makers, Hula Hoop Club and Jackrabbit Youth Mentoring Club.

The next SA meeting will be at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 13, in the Lewis and Clark room in The Union.