Snow day off leaves us with so much room for activities

Editorial Board

Low pressure systems have strayed too far from their home in the Arctic, sending many Midwestern states into a polar vortex that has seen plummeting temperatures made even worse by the bitter wind.

Because of this, many schools are closing down in an attempt to keep people out of the cold.

The Collegian Editorial Board, huddled in the cold corner of our office in the Student Union, worked to put together a paper on Tuesday evening, despite campus being closed.

While working, we vetted possible time-fillers for our upcoming day off. The truth is, as college students we’re so used to having somewhere to be or someone to meet that it feels weird having an entire day where we are suggested by administration to stay indoors.

Don’t get us wrong, we’re all for staying indoors, but this is the first time since the 2004-05 academic school year that SDSU’s has shut down because of weather, and we want to make sure everyone is taking full advantage of their day off.

First of all, stay warm. Don’t use your day off to go skiing or ice skating, because the temperatures outside are sure to give you frostbite after only five minutes of exposure. Instead, stay inside and watch the “Ted Bundy Files” on Netflix, or online shop your day away.

You could also take the opportunity to disconnect from technology. Relax, take a bubble bath (unless you live in the residence halls, sorry), catch up on laundry or deep-clean your kitchen.

Do something to benefit others or yourself like knitting a hat or a scarf. YouTube has excellent knitting tutorials, or so we’ve heard. Read “Jane Eyre” or “Rainbow Fish.”

If you’re particularly motivated like a few of our Editorial Board members you can get caught up on homework and studying for the week.

According to an article on CBS News, the National Weather Service in Chicago predicted this to be the worst polar vortex in 25 years.

Despite mainstream beliefs that global warming is not in effect based on evidence like the polar vortex is extremely misleading. In fact, global warming is the primary cause of the vortex. A popular theory in the meteorological community is that warm air enters the Arctic Circle it breaks up the polar vortex and scatters the low pressures southward, which is what’s happening now.

We, at The Collegian, hope students, faculty and community members alike stay warm in the coming days.

The Collegian Editorial Board meets weekly and agrees on the issue of the editorial. The editorial represents the opinion of The Collegian.