Students’ Association will soon wrap up for the year. In their second to last meeting, they began work on the GAF Strategic Plan and introduced SDSU’s new legal aid.
Senators, Ex-Officios and public members gathered for about 20 minutes during the meeting at four stations to brainstorm goals for the General Activity Fee Strategic Plan, as that will be the focus of the body’s efforts in the fall.
Questions the students considered were: “Things the GAF shouldn’t be raised for,” “Wildest dreams for SDSU,” “What services or programs keep students at SDSU?” and “What does SDSU have that could be improved?”
Some things much of the body agreed upon to prioritize for improvement were free or reduced price fitness passes, healthier food options around campus, improved accessibility on campus, further support of diversity and inclusion and a continued focus on mental wellness.
Ellie VandenBerg of Volga has begun her work as legal aid on campus and spoke during open forum about her experience and explain her duties.
VandenBerg has a variety of experience in law, and before opening her own practice in Volga in 1999, she spent 12 years working to establish U.S. embassies around the world.
VandenBerg has already begun assisting students, saying she gave advice to students in a rental dispute and another with first-time criminal charges.
VandenBerg can be reached at and appointments can be made by calling the SA office. Her office hours are Wednesday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and her office is in the upper level of the Student Union.
One of SA’s three advisers, Elizabeth Tolman, a communications professor, announced during the meeting that she has resigned from SDSU to move to Texas with her family. The body will now search for a new professor to serve as on of its advisers.
The next and final SA meeting of the semester will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, April 23 in the Lewis and Clark room of the Student Union.