Officials at the Miller Wellness Center are pumped to host their second annual powerlifting meet Saturday, Feb. 24.
The meet will include three lifts: squat, bench and deadlift. Jacob Heidenreich, the fitness coordinator at the Miller Wellness Center, said each contestant will be given three attempts at each lift and their highest weight will be recorded.
The meet costs $25 for anyone to register, student or not. The winner will receive a variety of prizes, such as gifts from supplement and equipment companies, clothing and also gift cards.
“We will have everyone come weigh in. Then based on their weight and whatever the total weight they report, meaning their squat, bench, and deadlift total, they will get a score,” Kyle Dawson, graduate assistant for physical therapy, said. “Based on that score, we will rank them for their brackets.”
This event is the second annual for the Wellness Center and organizers are looking forward to hosting more people this year. About 30 people competed last year and they hope to have 40 to 50 this year.
“People saw what we did last year and the fun we had,” Dawson said. “We are hoping that will make it more popular this time around.”
This year, there will be a new bracket specifically full of Special Olympic athletes. Last year the organization brought a guest lifter, but this year they will be bringing between 10 to 14 athletes. The athletes train once a week at the Brookings High School to get prepared for the event.
“Some of our athletes have never lifted and some of them have been with us for three years,” Brian Chatham, Special Olympics powerlifting coach, said. “Our athletes are very excited. This is their hometown crowd. Some of them are a little nervous as this is their first time, but overall this will be a great experience for them.”
This event is another way for those who like coming to the Wellness Center everyday to lift or train to test themselves in a new way while having fun.
“This is another opportunity for us to provide students with something different than the every day of going to the gym,” Jacob Heidenreich, fitness coordinator at the Miller Wellness Center, said. “It’s a way for us to engage our student body, especially those who miss the competition aspect.”
One of the main interest centers for students on campus is working out at the Miller Wellness Center. Dawson said this event helps kickstart a passion in powerlifting for students.
Both Dawson and Heidenreich said this is something they love doing and that’s what drives them to host events like this. Their goal is to get students and community members to start a passion in powerlifting, just like the two of them share.
This meet is one of the four powerlifting meets that have been hosted at the Miller Wellness Center, but it is one of the only meets in this general area.
“We are the only event within a 45-minute drive of us,” Heidenreich said. “We also are one of the only with a low barrier of entry, meaning we allow our competitors to wear what they are comfortable in and lower the entry fee.”
As far as marketing goes, Heidenreich, Dawson and their staff have been putting flyers out across campus and have been tabling to those that come into the Miller Wellness Center. They have also been contacting local fitness centers to promote the event and get the community engaged.
“The biggest thing that we do is word of mouth,” Heidenreich said. “All our past participants have had positive experiences, and that helps promote them to others.”
Dawson said, “Our registrations have taken off a little bit faster than last year, so, I’m hoping that we see an increase.”