The Jackrabbit wears Prada
Affordable ways to dress up your Jackrabbit apparel

October 6, 2020
It’s not lapis, it’s not turquoise: it’s actually blue, paraphrasing a quote from “The Devil Wears Prada,” an iconic movie in cinematic history and in fashion.
But what does this have to do with being a Jackrabbit at South Dakota State University? All too often as college students, we start to get comfortable in sweats and a T-shirt or gym clothes; while they may be designer, they should only be worn in the gym.
Never fear, there is a way to change that narrative. You can be comfortable and still presentable for class, be it in-person or Zoom.
During the pandemic, we have become really comfortable with dressing down. Hobo chic has infiltrated our homes at the start of the pandemic and has taken a new form.
Since then, it has traveled with students to their respective college dorms, apartments and classrooms. How do we combat this athleisure dilemma while showing our school spirit?
The answer is simple: add denim.
Just because we are in a weird phase of online classes and social distancing does not mean that we shouldn’t care about our appearance. It is actually proven that, and yes this is going to sound very cliche, when you look good, you feel good. So if you are going to decide to wake up and put on just a T-shirt and sweats, elevate the look.
Put on a pair of jeans. Put on your best denim, pair it with your favorite comfy Jacks T-shirt and partner that with the freshest shoes you own. This not only allows you to look great and full of love for your educational institution, but also sends the message that you care, you have self-respect and respect for your classmates and professors.
How do you do this on a college students budget you may ask? Well, the answer is simple. Walmart and Target have always been very good friends of mine. The Walmart here in Brookings, aside from the school bookstore, can be your best friend for all things Jackrabbit apparel.
I have purchased T-shirts, hoodies and sweats from Walmart. While we do not have a Target near campus, the online store is just as amazing.
It is important to keep the momentum going when you dress for class. I make the effort to get dressed, not necessarily in black tie, but at least make the effort, even when attending my classes via Zoom. It sets the tone for the flow of my day. It allows me to have a much more enjoyable and accomplished day while exuding confidence. SDSU is like a live Pinterest board, filled with ideas on what to wear.
No matter what the occasion is, whether it’s for class, an interview or just hanging out with friends, it is always important to remember that the world is watching. Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready. A sleek yet comfortable shoe, pants and a graphic tee can never go out of style. I can guarantee that you will feel nothing shy of amazing, and your fellow classmates will take notice.