Dairy science students receive scholarships


From left: Ashley Maus, Margaret Socha, Theodore Jacoby and Sanne de Bruijn are recipients of scholarships from the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board.


South Dakota State University dairy science students have been selected for national scholarships awarded by the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board (NDPRB) and National Dairy Shrine.

“These national scholarships have applicants from around the country. It clearly shows that our recipients are among the best in the country for their leadership abilities in the dairy industry, as well as knowledge of the industry,” said Vikram Mistry, Dairy and Food Science Department Head. “These recipients will be the leaders of the dairy industry in the future.”

Sanne de Bruijn, a senior dairy production and dairy manufacturing major from Vicksburg, Mich.; Theodore Jacoby, a junior dairy manufacturing major from Ballwin, Missouri; Ashley Maus, a senior dairy production and dairy manufacturing major from Freeport, Minnesota; and Margaret Socha, a junior dairy production major from Rogers, MinnesotaD; each received a $2,500 scholarship from the NDPRB through Dairy Management Inc., which manages the national dairy checkoff.

The NDPRB scholarships are awarded annually to undergraduate students enrolled in college or university programs that emphasize dairy and have shown the potential to become future industry leaders. Twelve students at various universities throughout the United States were chosen as scholarship recipients.

Additionally, de Bruijn and Erika Franzen-Ackerman, a senior dairy manufacturing major from Fredricksburg, Iowa, were recognized as recipients of National Dairy Shrine scholarships during a banquet at the 2019 World Dairy Expo held in Madison, Wis., on Oct. 3.

Franzen-Ackerman received the top National Dairy Shrine/Dairy Management Inc. Education and Communication Scholarship for $1,500. This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing careers in education or communication in the dairy product industry or related food industries.

De Bruijn was awarded the Merton Sowerby Junior Merit Scholarship for $1,000. This scholarship is designed to encourage qualified undergraduate students to pursue careers in the dairy industry or related occupations.