Drone club: for beginners to the experienced

Adam Foss, Reporter

After three years and a leadership change, the SDSU Drone Club is hoping to create a community of both newcomers and experienced drone flyers.

The club is open to any new members, from those experienced operating drones to those who have never flown a drone before. The club’s current leaders, Cade Schoenauer and Cody Watkins, are catering to what any new member’s interests may be.

You do not need to own a drone to join Drone Club. 

“By any means, they do not have to have drones,” said Shoenauer. “We have drones for the club.” The leaders are also willing to help beginners understand how to fly basic drone models. 

 For students who enjoy flying the drones that the club has to fly, the club is providing the option to buy these basic drones so new flyers will be able to enjoy and practice flying on their own time.

Watkins has tips for beginners interested in learning how to fly a drone.

“Just do it. Turn it on, learn how to fly it … after two hours of practice you’ll have it down,” he said. “They fix. You can buy replacement parts. You can’t be afraid to crash.”

Schoenauer and Watkins are slowly trying to get the club into drone racing. Though they have limited knowledge about this, they are hoping to gain new members who are knowledgeable in programming racing drones.

Any student interested in joining Drone Club can look them up on the Jacks Club Hub at https://sdstate.campuslabs.com/engage/, or can contact Shoenauer by email at cade.shoenauer@jacks.sdstate.edu.