College of Gen. Studies adjusts to new role
January 21, 2002
Charles Maricle
In October of 2001, the College of General Registration adopted its new name, the College of General Studies and Outreach Programs
The change was brought about for several reasons. Gail Tidemann, Dean of the College of General Studies and Outreach Programs, said that the addition of the Outreach Programs also included a broader scope of abilities that the college now has. Another reason for the change is that many students were misled by the word “Registration”.
Many students looking for the Registrar’s office or the Admissions Office with questions regarding registration would call or stop by the Career and Academic Planning Offices.
All registration issues are handled by the Registrar’s office. The new name change will hopefully stop any confusion. “Traditional students will continue to be served as they have been. The Career Center aspect will continue as it had been,” Tidemann said.
Tidemann added that the way that it has really changed is that now they have added the opportunity to serve a greater number of students through distance education and outreach programs.
These outreach programs consist of more than just the Sioux Falls campus and the Pierre Capital University Center. Coordination of all the distance education courses, via Internet and television, is one new duty.
Non-credit course workshops offered for continuing education are another. These workshops range from team productivity seminars to the University Week for Women.
“We do have a greater responsibility for providing academic support to students who are not traditionally served through one of the academic colleges,” said Tidemann.
That responsibility brings only slight changes in curriculum requirements. The Liberal Studies degree included both the Institutional and Board of Regents requirements. Previously, the degree included the Arts and Sciences requirements. The changes have led to the expansion of the college’s number of programs it oversees.
In 1983, the College of General Registration had only three programs. This year the College of General Studies and Outreach Programs has 14 programs in its care.
“The business of lifelong learning and continuing education is very, very important. Universities give folks a basic education. But to succeed today, one of the best things we can help any student develop is the ability to continue to learn throughout their lifetime,” said Tidemann.