Students use technology for academic and personal use
February 25, 2002
Brian Borden
Ever dreamed about holding the world in the palm of your hand? How about just your class notes and schedule? Throw away those pencils and paper, now you can take notes and plan your time on a Palm Pilot.
Sophomore Mesa Rogers, a human resources major, said she uses her Palm Pilot for many things.
“I use it as my date book and planner, and I use it with the keyboard to take notes in class,” Rogers said. “I put my address and phone numbers in there too. It helps me to stay more organized.”
Rogers, who has had her Palm Pilot for about a month and half, said it helps her in classes.
“I feel like it helps me take better notes. I can type it out and listen to the instructor instead of just concentrating on taking notes and not being able to listen to the instructor,” Rogers said.
Rogers said her Pilot was easy to master.
“It came with everything I needed. I was able to figure it our really easily,” she said. “I had no previous experience with them.”
Rogers said she is happy with her new piece of technology but it does take more effort.
“It’s a more complicated process than just writing it down in your planner. It takes a little more time,” Rogers said.
Junior Matt Diischer, a music education major, said he uses his Palm Pilot to keep track of things.
“It’s a helpful way to organize my life. I use it to keep all my addresses, phone numbers and e-mails,” Diischer said.
“It’s more convenient to have a two inch by three inch Palm Pilot in your pocket at all times instead of two paper schedules or trying to remember everything,” Diischer said.