Advertising students to present Bank of America campaign to peers, then judges in Minneapolis
April 15, 2002
Brian Borden
A team of students from the Advertising Campaigns class will compete in the regional competition April 20 in Minnesota.
The presentation is a marketing campaign for Bank of America, which helps to sponsor the event.
The group will be having a dress rehearsal of their campaign presentation Wednesday at 11:15 a.m. in Shepard Hall 131.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Advertising professor Dennis Hinde said the competition is linked to advertising students coursework.
“We do it in conjunction with our Advertising Campaigns class, which is the last class our advertising majors take,” Hinde said.
“It is an opportunity for our seniors to do a professional advertising campaign.”
Hinde said last year the students came close to going to nationals.
“If we win in Minnesota we go on to the nationals in Florida in June, he said.
“We have some tough competition. Last year Wisconsin beat us by a hair, and they went on to win.”
Hinde said the campaign is not easy.
“It’s a very detailed campaign,” he said. “They have to do a 20-minute presentation in front of three judges.”
Senior Brian Aust, an advertising major said the competition is nationwide.
“It’s a national advertising competition that advertising majors from across the country compete in,