Annual Wacipi set for Feb. 15
February 10, 2003
Krista Tschetter
In the frozen dead of a South Dakota winter, the renewal of life that comes with spring seems a long time coming.
Yet the Native American Club is bringing an event celebrating just that, the renewal of life, to the South Dakota State University campus on Saturday, Feb. 15.
The 13th Annual SDSU Wacipi (pow wow), a day of traditional dancing, music and culture, will be held from 1-5 p.m. and 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. at Frost Arena in the HPER Center.
The dancers are divided into adults, teens and juniors, and categories include traditional, fancy, grass and jingle dancing (see sidebar), as well as a tiny tots category.
First, second and third place prizes will be given in each category.
In addition,distinct alumni will be honored and a raffle fpr a star quilt made by SDSU graduate student Chanel Peterson.
Vendors will be set up, selling a variety of crafts, jewelry and quilts.
The Native American Club will sell Indian Tacos.
Grand entries will lead each session at 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. and a dinner will be held for the participants.
The Wacipi is free to SDSU students. Otherwise admission is $3. The event is co-sponsored by the Students’ Associaton and the Native American Club.
“(I’m looking forward to) the dances, that’s the one I look forward to,” said Darla Milda, vice president of the Native American club.
“We’re expecting a really good turnout.”
For more information, contact Native American Club president Louis Whitehead at 697-6097.
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