SA adopts budgeting philosophy for 2005

Jared Clark

Jared Clark

Students’ Association Senators approved a budgeting philosophy for the 2005 fiscal year at their Monday meeting.

Finance Chair Dustin Wagner said improvements in the document were made to increase its readability and better define its reach.

“The new philosophy includes some better technical writing,” he said. “[Changes were made] to make sure we included all the organizations we encounter.”

The SA budgeting philosophy defines the process by which new and current student organizations secure SA funds.

Included in the new budget philosophy are restrictions outlining requirements for student fee appropriation.

Among those requirements are that clubs seeking funding must enhance the knowledge of students at SDSU, provide student with a broader knowledge of art or culture, and provide a service to all students.

The SA Finance Chair begins the budgeting process with an initial evaluation of a proposed budget. After review by the requesting organization, the budget is sent to a SA Senate finance subcommittee and, eventually, to the entire senate body.

The budget then makes its way to the University Activity Fee and Budget Committee. In this step, final recommendation is made before the budget is presented to the University President.