Mr. President: Questions and Answers with the Big Man on Campus
September 19, 2003
Hallie Thomas
Last spring SDSU elected Eric Erickson as President of the Students’ Association. The following is an interrogation of our very own Mr. President.
Q: Please state your full name.
A: Eric E. Erickson.
Q: And you are from?
A: Summit, SD.
Q:And your major?
A: Political science.
Q: And your position?
A: President of the Students’ Association.
Q: What do you guys hope to accomplish this year on the SA?
A: We’ve got just a ton of goals.
Some of the things we’re looking at are the parking issue, the student union expansion, Division I.
They are all big things that are taking up a lot of our time, but we’ve got about fifty goals, some of them pretty small, some of them bigger.
We are at going to look into them and see if they are a good idea and the best way to accomplish them.
Q: What would you like freshman to know about what the SA does?
A: Well we basically do anything that any student would need.
If we can’t help you, we can at least direct you to where you can get help.
We usually have a hand in anything on campus. We sit on all the committees on campus so we can change some stuff.
We’ve also got free legal aid. Anything a student can come up with, just stop by the office and give us ideas.
We can’t really do anything about it if we don’t know about it.
Q: What’s your favorite part of your job?
A: Probably the people walks.
Getting out and talking to people, finding out if they have any problems and if they do, helping them fix those problems.
Q: What’s the least favorite part of your job?
A: I don’t know. I like most of my job.
Every once in a while…
Well, I can’t think of anything.
Q: What is it like to run for SA president?
A: It takes a lot of time and a lot of money to do it.
Pretty much its your personal money you’re putting into it and you have to give a lot of speeches in front of people.
It’s fun if you win.
Q: Do you think you would ever run for public office?
A: Maybe.
I haven’t thought about that yet.
I would just like to be president of the United States.
Q: What’s your biggest piece of advice for freshmen?
A: Get involved.
Make sure you get out and talk to people.
Meet as many people as you can and the best way to do that is to become involved in organizations on campus.
Want to find out more about the Students’ Association and what they can do for you?
Weekly meetings are held every Monday night at 7p.m.. Check the University Student Union for location.
The SA also has an office located on the first floor of the student union.
Walk-ins are welcome anytime as well as appointments. Call 688-5181 for more information.