Q & A: Questions and Answers with ‘New Rock’ Ashley Allen
October 8, 2003
Hallie Thomas
Q: Please state your name.
A: Ashley Kenneth Allen.
Q: And you are from?
A: Madison, South Dakota.
Q: Your position is?
A: Station manager for KSDJ.
Q: What is your major?
A: Speech communication with a minor in radio, television, and film.
Q: How is KSDJ funded?
A: KSDJ is funded with student fee dollars which are appropriated from the Students’ Association.
It is also through underwriting donations from local businesses and individuals.
Q: Who decides the format, KSDJ or the Students’ Association?
A: The station is an alternative rock station which was decided on by our station staff last year.
It was voted and approved by the media council, which is a sub-committee of the Students’ Association.
Q: How much of your funding do you get from advertising?
A: Fifty percent.
Q: How can a student become involved with KSDJ?
A: They can call us at 605-688-5599 or visit our website at www.907ksdj.com.
Q: What is the hardest part of your job?
A: Being a full-time student and trying to devote as much time as possible to the station.
Q: What’s your favorite part of your job?
A: My favorite part of my job would be getting to interact with all the students and SDSU and promote SDSU.
Q: How much longer will you be attending school and running the radio station?
A: I’m not for sure, but I’m hoping to graduate by 2006.
Q: What kind of a signal does KSDJ carry?
A: We have a 1000 watt signal which gives about a 30-40 mile radius around Brookings.
Q: Do you have an idea of how many people listen to your radio station?
A: Unfortunately we don’t have access to arbitron numbers.
Arbitron is what gives numbers for radio stations.
But we are able to tell how many people are listening online with our new radio stream.
There’s reports that show that ten percent of your listening base will listen online.
So we can guess according to how many people are listening online. It’s really hard to tell.
I guess the only way we can kind of tell is by visiting local businesses and seeing people drive by in cars.
We also notice the students’ response to who’s listening and how many show up at things we promote.
Q: Would you ever change to hard-core urban hip-hop?
A: If the students supported it we would definitely change to hard-core hip-hop and rap if we felt that the student body would listen to that.