Students’ Association discuss women’s hockey and student parking shortage
November 4, 2003
Jael Trieb
Monday night’s Students’ Association meeting brought discussion on a large variety of subjects.
One item was the introduction of an SDSU women’s hockey team, which SA members unanimously voted to allow.
Rachael Person, president of the existing club, spoke to the SA about the high level of interest in SDSU female students, but the lack of opportunity to play here.
The University Police Department oversold S1-S3 parking decals by 788 this year.
SA Advisor Zeno Wicks said that based on the huge deficiency, “Students with decals for those lots should be refunded for tickets received.”
The 141 added spots east of Larson Commons has slightly decreased the problem, but comes no where near complete alleviation.
SC parking lots are approximately 1,500 spots short.
Wicks strongly encouraged the SA to author a resolution forcing the UPD to sell less decals.
A resolution allocating more money to the proposed campus Wellness Center was tabled.
The question still stands of whether to charge students for classes such as aerobics, yoga, Pilates, etc., or to include the expense in student fees.
The new Wellness Center will house improved facilities for the Student Health and Counseling programs, and also weight training and other exercise facilities that will not be reserved for athletic teams.
SA President Eric Erickson said that administration is striving for a facility comprable to the Powershop Gym in downtown Brookings.
A resolution to place campus directories/maps in key locations around campus was unanimously passed.
SA members agreed that the widespread campus is often hard to maneuver for new students or visitors.