Democrats have momentum to dominate political scene

Joshua Horton

Joshua Horton

I recently read an article at that talked about the Republican Party in 1994 and the Democratic Party in 2004. Tony and I have already talked about many of the candidates and their hope for success this political season. But I believe that we needed to take another look at the Democratic Party this year. Like a freight train, the Democratic Party is picking up the momentum and strength it needs to win big this fall.

Since the Iowa caucuses, all the talk has been about John Kerry. According to current independent polls, he is leading the President by several points outside the margin of error. Although the race to the convention is far from over, Kerry and the rest of the candidates are energizing democrats and making them believe that victory at all levels is truly possible if we want it.

The momentum behind the Democratic Party is not just from the presidential candidates, but from Bush himself. Many people absolutely detest of the policies of the Bush administration. These dressed-up policies have left a bad taste in the mouths of democrats, independents, and even many republicans. This impatience with Bush has galvanized the Democratic Party, from the far left to moderate and some right, to support anyone but Bush this fall.

1994 was a major year of political change. The Republican Party used the idea of fiscal responsibility to make major gains in the House and Senate. They attacked Clinton for escalating the deficit a few billion dollars and labeled democrats as tax and spenders. In 1996, the big issue was the Contract with America and the push for a balanced budget amendment. Republicans have used the fiscally responsible issue to sway voters. Except this year it seems that this issue fits better with the democrats. The deficit is projected to hit at least $500 billion dollars, a record amount of debt for this nation. So who are the real fiscal conservatives?

Three million people have lost their jobs since Bush became President, 43 million Americans are without healthcare, and a record surplus has turned into a record deficit. There is a high distrust of our President on issues of WMDs and his own military record. Housing, education, and veterans’ benefits are not being funded as promised by the “compassionate conservatives,” but in fact are facing major cut-backs to provide more funds for faith-based groups. People are being hurt everyday by these policies, while major contributors and supporters of the Bush Election Machine make out like kids at Christmas. The American people want a real paradigm shift, not a preservation of the status quo.

This is the year of the Democratic Party. They hold all the cards; the issues that matter will be addressed by democrats. I have heard many of my peers say that we should wait for 2008. I ask, “Why?” We can win, we will win and we must win. The issues that will be important this cycle are too important to trust to an inadequate administration and a lackey congress. This is the year of the Democrat.

Reach Joshua Horton at [email protected].