Comment Cards Are Fun Stuff
February 17, 2004
Krista Tschetter
Those darned little comment card boxes are everywhere. At fast food restaurants, in clothing stores, museums, even at the library.
But do people ever use them for more than doodle pads or a place to discard old gum?
After a quick survey of a few choice forums on the SDSU campus, it seems written comments are still a strong form of expression.
Jack’s Place on the lower level of the student union posts filled-in cards on a bulletin board next to the pop machine.
A frequent poster “Cooly McCool, Emperor of Coolville,” seems to think the eatery needs one thing.
“I want a snowcone machine, or at least access to snowcones.”
The response: “Well, I want a million $$, some things in life are not going to happen-yours is one of them.”
Brigg’s Library provides an entire book for comments.
An entry: “The smell of baby powder by the bathrooms makes me want to throw up. I don’t even want to get a drink of water from there. Why does it smell?”
Clark Hallman, Head of Public Services, responds helpfully to many of the comments.
He answers, “I assume you are referring to the odor created by air fresheners or deodorizers that were placed in the restrooms in response to many complaints about offensive odors … Personally, although I do not find the air fesheners’ scent to be particularly pleasant, I believe it is much better than the odor that drifted from the restrooms before they were installed.”
Hallman himself gets an occassional comment.
“I’ve never written a comment before, but I love to read Mr. Hallman’s responses. Clark, you’re my hero.”
Hallman’s response: “Thank you very much ! I view my comment responses to be the pinnacle of my literary achievements! … But seriously, I think it is important to respond in a clear and honest manner to these comments.”
Most of the other comments are serious, complimenting helpful staff or bringing up serious concerns.
“This is a very nice library with a great group of reference librarians. Also, the OHIO STATE BUCKEYES are #1!”
But there are those that range from the questionable to the eerily familiar …
“I don’t know about those library assistants, they are a little suspicious.”
“I have diarrhea a lot.” (Hallman’s response: “I’m sorry!”)
“I think our library needs a snow cone machine and free balloons. Think about it.”
Snow cone machines aside, creating a forum to get a feel for what the general public thinks is a valid venture, as many patrons are too shy to bring up any concerns in person.