Concert Choir opens Spring Music Festival with April 4 Concert
March 29, 2004
Jesse Christen
It’s springtime. Soon the grass will be green and the trees will have leaves. Hopefully life will be as wonderful as the mildly warm weather.
It’s no wonder that the music department is having their 2004 Spring Festival of Music; what a perfect time to share the good vibrations of spring with the beautiful gift of music.
This year’s Spring Music Festival kicks off on Sun. April 4, at 4 p.m. with the Spring Choral Concert. The concert will feature Concert Choir, Statesmen and University Women’s Ensemble.
The concert Choir will perform 19th century works from Germany and England. SDSU’s own composers, Michael Yenny and Brian Schmidt, will have works featured also.
The university Women’s Ensemble, a group of 80 female students, will perform Patriquin’s Songs from Early Canada, Elanor Daly’s Rise up, my Love and Gweyneth Walker’s To Sing is to Fly.
Opening up the show will be the SDSU Statesmen, who will perform sea songs, folk songs from Ireland and acapella arrangements.
Other upcoming events in the Spring Festival of Music include the Spring Jazz Ensembles concert on Mon. April 19 at 8p.m., the Civic Symphony Spring Concert, Sat. April 24 at 4p.m. and the spring Band concert, Sun. April 25 at 4 p.m.
All concerts will be held in the Performing Arts Center on campus and tickets are $4 for students and $6 for adults. SDSU students get in free with a student I.D. The tickets are good for all concerts in the series. All proceeds go to benefit SDSU music department scholarships.
For more information call the music department at 688-5187.