UPC plans community service, concerts, comedians and more
September 20, 2004
Lucinda Albers
Whether you are interested in the arts, concerts, or community service, the University Program Council tries to plan events to fit each individual.
The first two weeks of school were filled with activities such as the comedian Brad Lowry, the “psychojazz” group Joe Deninzon & Stratospheerius, the three-day sale of large posters and art prints in the Larson Commons, and the street dance on Sept. 16. But as the semester goes on, so do the activities.
On Sept. 21 comedian Val Kappa will be at the Performing Arts Center for a free show.
If you want to help people you can join other students in building a house for Habitat for Humanity Sept. 25. And, if you’d rather be entertained with music, singer/songwriter Zane Williams will perform Sept. 29.
The month of October is filled with community service opportunities such as the Adopt-A-Highway program and a chance to visit with residents of Brookview Manor.
October is also filled with local concerts, free movies and SDSU’s own Trading Spaces spin-off, all yet to be announced.
If school pride is what you live for, then the first week of November may be your time to get in on the action.
Hobo Week: Hobos Under Construction begins Monday, Nov. 1 with a Jackrabbit rally and the beginning of a scavenger hunt, which lasts until Friday.
The week continues with employee dress-up contests, Bum Olympics and various other new events, all of which lead up to the parade, tailgate party and football game.
If you need a break from studying, or something to get your mind off finals, free movies are offered throughout both November and December.
Folk music duo Easily Amused is scheduled to perform a free concert on Nov. 17. You can practice your triple-lutz during free skating at the Larson Ice Arena on Dec. 3.
For more information on any of these events, log-on to www3.upc sdstate.edu, or keep an eye out for advertisements in the Collegian and posters throughout campus.
For more information call 688-5524 or 688-6173 or stop by the UPC office in the Foundation Building on the corner of Ninth Street and Medary Avenue.