Career Day brings job, internship opportunities
October 25, 2004
Crystal Mohrhauser
Agriculture and Biological Science students searched for internships and full-time employment as they flooded the Lincoln Music Hall for Career Day on Oct. 14.
Over 60 representatives were available for students to inquire about their respected companies.
“We’re here to find talent and have exposure for our company,” said Heidi Bruner, a territory sales manager for Sunny Fresh Foods and SDSU alumnus.
Many companies find the talent they are looking for from a career day like this one.
Eric Boersma, a production development agronomist for Golden Harvest, knows how important it is to attend events similar to this one and network with different companies.
When Boersma was a student at SDSU, he obtained an internship with Golden Harvest in 2002 from talking and interviewing with represenatives at the Career Fair.
“Even if you do an internship, keep your options open, but keep in touch and let them know you’re interested,” Boersma said.
Bruner said it’s a great way to make contact and network with students interested in working for their company.
“It is a great opportunity for students to learn what is available and meet people,” Bruner said.
Karl Oravetz, the quality assurance manager from John Morrell & Co., agrees.
“It gives me an opportunity to meet with lots of students in a short amount of time to let them know what we have to offer,” said the SDSU almnus.
Jamie Sonderup, a junior animal science major from Fullerton, Neb., hopes to be a student that the representatives will remember.
“I hoped to come out with knowledge about companies and programs. Even more so, establish contacts in the industry as well as an internship with their company,” Sonderup said.
Establishing relationships is one of the main purposes of this event.
“We hope the event will facilitate dialogue between students and employers that will lead to enhanced student awareness of employment opportunities; and ultimately, to successful internship and career placement,” said Tim Nichols, agriculture and biological sciences assistant director of academic programs.
Employers are always searching for young standout students with certain characteristics. Having good communication skills is one of the qualities employers look for in potential employers.
“Potential prospects need to be aggressive and be looking for career advancement. They need to be able to express themselves,” Oravetz said.
Boersma and Bruner, along with other representatives in attendance, would like to find students that are involved in campus activities, willing to learn, are confident, and interested in gaining work experience.
These are some of the qualities Sonderup said she has sharpened in preparation for landing her ideal internship in the beef industry. In turn, she hopes to gain hands-on experience, job placement and a program suited for her.
“I’m searching for an internship with the possibility of future employment,” Sonderup. “This also lets me know what the industry is working on in the present market.”
However, not all students will be as lucky as Boersma, who obtained his current job as a result of his internship.
“Even if you don’t find your dream job, you may make a contact that is helpful to you in the future.,” Nicholas said. “Get as much work and leadership experience as you can while in college, along with your academic coursework. Employers are looking for well-rounded, hard working young people with ambition and integrity.”
#1.885787:2336617459.jpg:agfair.jpg:Representiatives from Jennie-O Turkey talk to Meghan Weber, a sophomore horticulture major, at the Career Fair Oct. 14. Jennie-O Turkey was one of more that 60 companies at Career Day.:Jerry Smith