SA advisor seat open; new bylaws passed

Shayla Waugh

Shayla Waugh

Director Micah Peters and Assistant Director Eric Saugstad of the South Dakota Student Federation attended the April 11 Student Association meeting to discuss and address concerns about next year’s Student Federation.

Peters addressed SA senate concerns about the Student Federation’s efficiency. He said that the Federation plans on taking a more active role in addressing student issues. He also said that more open communications are needed to unite the six institutions currently in the Federation.

In other SA news: Former SA president Amanda Mattingly said she is running for a threeyear seat in the April 12 Brookings City Council election. She said that a one-year spot and 2 three-year spots will be on the ballot.

Students Association President Ryan Brunner said that one SA advisor seat is still open and asked the senators for recommendations to fill the spot.

Habitat for Humanity is taking donations for a house-building project. Brunner said the SA is forming a senate team to work for money to be donated to the project.

The following amendment to the constitution and bylaws was passed:



1.Ryan Brunner, President

2.Julie Doss, Administrative Assistant

3.Tim Wrenn, Vice President

4.Adam Zobel, Graduate Studies

Title of Amendment: Senate Vacancies Article V Section 2 F

Text of Amendment: Be it amended by the SDSU Students’ Association to make the following additions and changes to the Students’ Association By-Laws;

1. Amend the By-Laws for Article V Section 2 F. to read:

Seats not filled by the last meeting of the semester in which the election is held shall remain vacant until the next election.

2. Amend the By-Laws to add Article V Section 2 F.6 to read:

In the event of a vacancy within the Senate, as a result of resignation, removal, or other incidence of a Senator, the position will be opened to application with Board of Directors serving as the interviewing body. Candidates approved by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors shall be subject to final approval by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.

3. Amend the By-Laws to add Article V Section 2.F.6.a to read:

Any Senate vacancy shall be opened to any student currently enrolled in the university and shall be designated an At Large seat.

4. Amend the By-Laws to add Article V Section 2.F.6.b to read:

Any student wishing to fill a vacant senate seat shall meet the same requirements set forth for all students running for At Large Senate positions.