SA looks at two resolutions
October 5, 2005
Shayla Waugh
The Students’ Association looked at two resolutions at its meeting on Monday, Oct. 3.
Resolution 05-07-R was the recommendation by the SA to the student federation, board of regents and the South Dakota State Legislature for the amending of the South Dakota code allowing for the exemption of sales tax on textbooks purchased by college students.
The resolution arose due to the increaseing costs of education for the students and the importance of textbooks in students’ educations.
The second resolution, 05-06-R, is the proposal for SA support of the recommendation of the Board of Regents Tuition Review Committee to reduce nonresident tuition to 150% of the resident tuition rate.
The resolution arose for the hopes of expansion into new recruitment markets and to offset demographic losses.
In other SA news:
Fred Oien, athletic director for SDSU, spoke at open forum at the Oct. 3 meeting.
Oien told senators that student participation in SDSU athletics is currently at a record rate.
He said both the number of teams and students participating in intermural sports are at an all time high.
Oien also spoke on the NCAA required strategic plan for SDSU’s reclassification into Division I.