Geib, Wulf National FFA candidates
October 17, 2005
Crystal Mohrhauser
Live to Serve.
FFA members strive to meet that standard and broaden it throughout their years of involvement in the agricultural-based organization.
Jessie Geib, an animal science major from DeSmet, and Rachel Wulf, an agriculture journalism major from Morris, Minn., are taking their involvement and leadership skills to a higher level.
Geib and Wulf, both 20, will vie for a spot on the six-member National FFA officer team. Before they became the sole representatives of their respective states, they had to compete in a run-off against other members from their states.
“It’s usual for two to four candidates to go through a selection process before a single candidate is chosen,” said Gerri Eide, South Dakota FFA executive secretary. “Both girls will grow tremendously through this process of preparing.”
As juniors, both Geib and Wulf are heavily active in both extracurricular activities and in the agriculture industry. That involvement stems from their family backgrounds.
As the youngest of three, Geib grew up on a Black Angus cow-calf operation and 3,000-head custom feedlot. Through her involvement on the farm, she always knew it was in her heart to pursue an agricultural career.
“I love talking about agriculture. It really is a passion for me,” said Geib, an eight-year FFA veteran.
As a 10-year-old, Geib remembers talking to Shantel Swedlund, a former Miss South Dakota State Fair. Geib vividly recalls Swedlund’s advice.
“She told me to get involved in FFA because it was the best thing she had ever done,” Geib said.
She followed Swedlund’s suggestion and believes it’s the best thing she ever did. In addition to holding several offices within FFA, Geib competed in job interview, parliamentary procedure and livestock and horse judging. She was also selected to serve as the 2003-2004 South Dakota State FFA president.
Wulf, who grew up with three sisters, was raised on a Limousin farm. Through FFA, she participated in job interview, public speaking, nursery/landscape and livestock judging. Like Geib, Wulf held several leadership roles prior to interviewing for a position on the state officer team. She became the 2004-2005 Minnesota State FFA reporter.
“I’ve always had the desire to serve the members (of FFA) and help them out,” Wulf said. “To see FFA members succeeding is remarkable.”
Wulf, a seven-year FFA member, will have the opportunity to witness several thousands of FFA members succeed at the 78th National FFA Convention in Louisville, Ky., Oct. 26 through 29.
While attending the National FFA Convention, both Geib and Wulf will complete six interviews in a four-day period, test their knowledge through a written exam and endure another writing activity. They will be evaluated on their personal skills, knowledge of FFA and understanding of current agricultural and perception on education issues.
Duties of National FFA officers include attending each State FFA Convention, training state officers, representing FFA in the business and political world, and traveling.
“You do a lot of traveling. You’re gone about 340 days of the year,” said Geib. “It’s a very rigorous schedule.”