Cavorts Tryouts
October 7, 2005
Casey Wonnenberg
Try-outs for the annual Cavorts talent show will be held on Wednesdsay, Oct. 5.
Interested applicants can sign-up for tryouts all day Wednesday at the University Program Council office in the Union. Performers ranging from poets to dancers, are encouraged to participate.
“Participating in Cavorts is a good way to get noticed if you are an artist,” said junior Sarah French, the coordinator of Cavorts.
The first place winner will receive $200, second place, $100, and third place $50.
Last year Cavorts filled Doner Auditorium. Students waited in line to purchase tickets.
To avoid long lines, students can purchase tickets at the Information Exchange in the Union prior to the event. The cost is $3 for students and $5 for non-students.
Cavorts has been a Hobo Days tradition for many years.
This year, Cavorts will take place on Oct. 21, the Friday before Hobo Day.
“It is a fun way to see other students and celebrate Hobo Days,” said French.