Savor time at SDSU
December 7, 2005
Faith Moldan
I’m graduating Saturday, or at least that’s my hope, and although I may just be going back home to work after graduation, I still believe in SDSU and love the time I’ve spent here.
To those people who can’t wait to get out of here, who maybe even can’t stand it here, I have one question to ask: have you put anything into it, any effort or commitment? The only way you will get something in return is to give of yourself and invest your time, energy and, as most college students have found out, money.
I was somewhat of a hermit my freshman year, never going to any events unless pulled from my room by an upperclassman friend from my hometown, and only going to events put on by my RA because I felt sorry for her. My roommate was unique and hardly ever there. We talked, but no real bond formed. I hated my freshman year and knew I had to do something, make some sort of change, or else…
My sophomore year was much better. I know this difference was due in part to the people around me that year, but I also started to step out of my box and break out of my shell on my own. I got a job on campus, joined hall government and took the time to really get to know my roommate and our neighbors. I volunteered at church and went on its spring break trip, not to mention became a member of the Collegian staff at the end of that year. I also joined another student organization and became an RA.
The number of things I was involved with was overwhelming at times, but I wouldn’t change anything because I’ve had too many great experiences, met too many amazing people, and learned more life lessons than I had thought possible in the last two and a half years.
I’ve been taking in all the sights and sounds of campus throughout this past week, trying too to squeeze in as much fun as I can with my friends that are staying here. I know I will be back to visit, but knowing that I will hold the title of alumnae soon makes me nostalgic and a little emotional.
Last week, Heather Mangan wrote about having a quarter-life crisis. I found much truth in her statements, the symptoms of a quarter-life crisis. I identified with many of them, mainly the ones pertaining to an unknown future. One of my favorite quotes that I found this semester keeps me going when I start to dwell on all the unanswered questions that I have. It simply says, “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” Now I know not everyone is a Christian, religious or even spiritual in any way, but maybe Heather said it in a better way. She said, “Enjoy being young and at your prime. Live today and worry about tomorrow when it comes.”
My advice for underclassmen, especially those who will graduate in the next year or so, is not to be afraid. Don’t be afraid first of all to admit that you are afraid, scared, frightened. This is the first step in moving on and getting past that fear. Talk to your friends and, more importantly, take a break. Enjoy being a Jackrabbit while you can.
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