Students’ Association approves five constitutions
February 20, 2006
Shayla Waugh
The Students’ Association approved five constitutions at its meeting Monday night.
SA approved to reinstate the constitution and by-laws for the SDSU Art Club. Representatives said the club will provide an outlet for students interested in art.
The constitution and by-laws for the Muggles for Harry Organization was approved. Representatives said the organization not only provides an outlet for fans of Harry Potter books but is also a community service organization in providing literacy encouragement.
SA approved the constitution and by-laws for the Nepalese Students’ Association.
The constitution and by-laws for the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists was approved by SA. Representatives said the association will work to provide awareness among students of opportunities for pharmaceutical scientists.
SA approved the constitution and by-laws for the Japanese Animation and Cultural Society. No representatives attended the meeting.
In other SA news:
The president and vice president debates for SA elections are scheduled for Wednesday, Feb 22 at noon in The Market of The Union.
Students may purchase tickets at info exchange in The Union for the winter formal until Wednesday, Feb. 22.
The wellness center bill was officially signed by Governor Rounds. The proposed project must now pass the Board of Regents in March.