Students’ Association budget approved at Monday’s meeting
February 27, 2006
Shayla Waugh
The Students’ Association budget of $69,843 was approved at Monday’s meeting.
An $8,000 increase is included in the budget for the creation of a safe ride program for SDSU students.
Although the safe ride funds do not have to be used, having the $8,000 in the budget will help secure a matching grant from the SD Department of Transportation.
The Oakwood budget of $2,100 was approved at Monday’s meeting . SA senators suggested that Oakwood representatives work on establishing the presence of Oakwood to SDSU students. Senators suggested the creation of an Oakwood website and increased advertising.
Senators approved the creation of an SA State and Local executive position.
A special allocation of $1120.82 was approved for the Post Secondary Ag Students (PAS) organization.
The special allocation is contingent that PAS secure $1120.82 from the Ag/Bio college.
The requested funds were requested to help pay for the national competition.
A resolution to promote increasing E-85 vehicles in the SDSU motor pool was passed by SA.
SA approved a 3 percent increase in the General Activity Fee (GAF)
In other SA news:
Over 400 participants attended the SDSU’s winter formal.
The University Program Council is currently sponsoring a food drive. Donations may be dropped off at the UPC office. All donations will go to the downtown Brookings food pantry.
There is currently an opening for UPC coordinator. Students interested in applying can pick up an application from the UPC office.