Students’ Association passes Equip constitution
March 15, 2006
Shayla Waugh
The Students’ Association approved the constitution to establish an Equip organization at its meeting Monday night.
According to the mission statement of Equip, the organization exists to provide the information necessary for Christians to strengthen and defend their faith in the areas of Christian history, apologetics and theology.
Representatives from Equip said their organization has an intellectual focus rather than a faith focus.
SA unanimously approved the creation of a campus table tennis team.
Representatives from the team said their first goal is to start recruiting more members.
In other SA news:
Any students that want to apply to be on the presidential search committee to find the next SDSU president can pick up an application in the SA office. Applications are due by Friday, March 17 at 5 p.m.
The UPC announced that Switchfoot will hold a concert at SDSU on March 24 at the Swiftel Concert. Tickets are now on sale and are $16 for SDSU students.